Monday, March 4, 2013

Working Together

Michael McCain was recognized as one of the 25 most Influential people in business.He was also called the “Canadian poster boy for crisis management and corporate responsibility.” The CEO was awarded this honor in 2008. This was the result of his ability to change a public health tragedy into a victory story. McCain humbly admits that the honor does not belong just to him. It is about the group and the obligation that we face together. Though he was the face of the organization, it was a team effort, a group of 23000 people working together and acting as a unit. In the 2009, consumers acknowledged Maple Leaf Foods pledge and granted them the Most Trusted Brand in packed meat in Reader’s Digest.
In business and in life reputation decides whether we survive or not. People and Business can only endure from adverse situations if they have a concrete reputation. The company will have to continuously work on their reputation. Recalls and broadcast of listeria in the news will not help them with their reputation but continuously monitoring and finding ways to re-establish capital will help their score.
The way a company or a person represents themselves and their company affects everything. As we seen in a previous post on Menu Foods reputation can result in staying in business and going out of business. Maple Leaf Foods with their solid reputation and dedication to improvement are still in business today.


Guffey, M. R. (2011). Maple Leaf Foods - Rebounding From Tragedy. Business Communication. Toronto, ON: Nelson Education Ltd.

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