Thursday, February 14, 2013

Maple Leaf Foods Apologizes

CEO Michael McCain of Maple Leaf Foods took full responsibility for the listeria outbreak of 2008. The company continues to be proactive. When Michael spoke to a parliamentary committee responsible for examining food safety, he told them "This was a defining moment for Maple Leaf Foods and for those who work there. We are determined to make a terrible wrong, right. This is our obligation to those who died, and their families."
Since the outbreak Maple Leaf Foods has become a leader in food safety. The company is trying to convince the Canadian government to implement stricter food regulations. Michael recognizes that his company will have to continue to strive to mend the bridge between themselves and the public. Maple Leaf Foods must continue to focus on their main principles of honesty, transparency, and public service. If they cannot accomplish this the government will have to become more involved in food regulations.
The fact that Maple Leaf Foods took responsibility for the crisis of 2008 was a good marketing strategy. Instead of trying to hide away or avoid the issue they hit it head on. Accepting and apologizing, gave the public an opportunity to be more patient of the part the company played in the crisis. 


Guffey, M. R. (2011). Maple Leaf Foods - Rebounding From Tragedy. Business Communication. Toronto, ON: Nelson Education Ltd.

 How Maple Leaf Foods is handling the Listeria outbreak. (2008). CBC News. Retrieved from


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