Sunday, February 3, 2013


Dave Scholz, vice president of Leger Marketing, was correct in his claim that Maple Leaf Foods would rebound from the negative publicity.

Maple Leaf Foods is one of our oldest and most recognizable companies. This tragedy resulted in a public relations nightmare for the organization. This caused a loss of reputation which in turn resulted in a loss in business. Maple Leaf Foods' commitment to finding ways to redeem themselves and their products is a major reason that they were able to mend their reputation.

In January of 2009, their reputation was finally starting to rise when there was another recall. They then had to attempt to once again gain positive support from customers and rebuild customer trust.

The components that have aided Maple Leaf Foods to mend customer relationships are trust, clarity, credibility, assurance, and morality.

I feel that Maple Leaf Foods should have done more at the beginning when they knew that they had listeria in the plant. According to the video above, yes they did clean the machinery that tested positive for listeria but because they were not required to test the food they did not. I feel that they should have tested the food out of concern for their customers. The death's that were attributed to the tainted food could have possibly been prevented if stronger precautions were implemented.


Guffey, M. R. (2011). Maple Leaf Foods - Rebounding From Tragedy. Business Communication. Toronto, ON: Nelson Education Ltd.

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